Hi Friends,
As you know, we’ve been having some technical difficulties around Idiot’s Kitchen for a few months.
We had a big time hacking problem and since then, little buggie problems have been popping up way too frequently.
The latest problem of not being able to upload recipes has been a real pain. What good is a cooking website without the ability to have an easily printable recipe?
I’m starting to feel like Henry when I practice too many high notes…
Actually if I practice too many high notes, he comes into the living room and attacks me.
My fabulous tech gurus have informed me that I need to do some updating and general website housekeeping.
So, since things need to change a bit, why not make them bigger and better?
This is where you come in!
Please feel free to leave a comment about any suggestions, ideas, complaints (be constructive please or I’ll send Henry over to bite you), changes, etc. that you think would be good for Idiot’s Kitchen.
For example, do you like/use the ingredient pictures and printable shopping lists? Should we keep those?
Are you able to find/search for recipes easily using the search box? Do you use the recipe tab at the top of the page? Do you use the category tabs on the right side?
Do you feel like there are enough instructions and pictures for each recipe? Too many?
What do you look for when you come to Idiot’s Kitchen and how easy is it to find what you’re looking for?
I’m open to any and all ideas as long as one of them is not “fewer cat pictures”…because we all know that’s never going to happen.
Thanks for putting up with the lighter posting lately. This all came at an incredibly busy time and I feel the poor old website (and you) have been a bit neglected lately.
Hopefully we will be able to get everything up and running, bigger and better very soon.
Thanks for your patience!
xoxo – Claudia & Co.
8 Responses
Happy to help such a helpful website!
The ingredient pics are fun… because there are cats in them. In general I tend to use the title and recipe itself, rather than the pics or ingredient list, to size up the dish as a whole and figure out what to add to my shopping list. If the dish sounds intriguing, I skim the pics and go to the recipe. (Then go back to the photo by photo when I’m ready to cook it.)
I’ve always been able to find a recipe I recalled by using the search bar. Works well.
Do I use the ‘recipes’ tab? Yes. Both methods are functional and desirable. Sometimes you’re all about the recipe or ingredient, sometimes you’re all about the needed course and open to inspiration. 🙂
There are not too many photos per recipe. It’s great to be able to see what size dice, how much oil, etc. What could I use more of? Specific things, like exactly how to brown chicken beautifully and what it looks like as it progresses through the stages. Skills that have a learning curve. Is it done? Is it done? Arrgh! It’s overdone.
I like the suggestions you make about what sides go with the dish you’re suggesting or what main goes with the side.
I appreciate the remarks you make about the realistic time it takes you to make a dish at the end of your busy days. We’re all running here and there, all the time! Thank you for the honest appraisal of the commitment we’re talking about.
I like the awareness of the balance between budget and taste. An appreciated appraisal.
Thanks for all you do!
I should say that your opening description is also enjoyed and taken in. It’s helpful to hear what you liked about the recipe, where it came from, what you changed, why it caught your eye, etc. I always read those paragraphs.
And, if it makes Henry feel any better, although bari sax, alto sax, and piano doodlings can’t compare to high piccolo notes, my house is regularly full of those and I feel equally put upon. 🙂
So maybe the official recipe at the beginning, instead of, or in addition to, the end of the pics?
You have so many great categories of dishes. Perhaps “quick weeknight” also? That’s soooooo valued.
I’m done now. (For now.)
Thank you!!!!!! I appreciate all of your suggestions and nice comments. I’ll definitely put them into use. I especially like the idea of Quick Weeknight recipes, because who doesn’t need those? Also thinking about doing some posts and (gasp…maybe a video or two) about basics. And just for myself, the new website design will have a tab at the top for cooking temperatures of meat because I look that up on google all…the…time.
Yes! I finally know chicken and fish temps by memory, but look up lots of other basics.